Monday, March 7, 2011

3-2-1 Summary

3 Things I Learned:
1. I learned that the Suez Canal is just as important to the world today as it was when it was first built.
2. I learned all the different ways an empire could control a colony, colonies, protectorates, the sphere of influence, and economic imperialism.
3. Even though France controlled more countries in Africa, Britian was much more powerful there then them because Britian had more land and they controlled the important colonies.

2 Things I Found Interesting:
1. Thomas Edison patented over 1,000 inventions.
2. Queen Elizabeth was England's longest serving monarch.

1 Question I Still Have:
1. How was Ethiopia able to stay independent during Imperialism?


Gandhi Quote

"A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes."                             - Mahatma Gandhi

      To me Gandhi says it all in this quote. To me he is saying that whatever you think or believe, you will become that. It means that what you think of yourself you will become that. So if that means you thinks of yourself as pathetic soon other too will begin to think that because you will become that. He is saying that you have to have good positive thoughts because it could very much affect you.

Suez Canal

      The Suez Canal is a man made water way. The Suez Canal is a waterway that links the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. It separates the continents of Africa and Asia. It cuts thousands of miles from the routes of ships traveling between Europe and Asia. It is one of the most important waterways in the world.  The Egyptian government controls the Suez Canal, and they make vessels pay tolls so that they have a source of income. If not for the canal many products such as oil would be much more expensive because it would take them longer to ship it. In 2007, around 18,200 ships that passed through the canal. Since the canal is very important to global trade and the oil trade around the world, the Suez Canal is very important to todays society.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Sepoy Rebellion

       The Britians concidered India to be the brighest "Jewel in the Crown." They believed that India was the most valuable of all the colonies. India became very economically valuable after Britian established a railroad network. India was benefited and oppressed by British colonization.
      Sepoys were Indian soliders that the British hired to keep the peace. The Indians believed that the British were trying to convert they to Christanity, they also resented the constant racism they got from the British. In 1857, the sepoys found out that the new cartridges the British had given them were sealed with pork and beef fat and required them to bite the seal off.The Hindus believed the cow to be the most sacred, and the Muslims did not eat meat, were all outraged. They refused to use the cartridges because they were against their beliefs. The British did not handel this very well, the began to jail thoes soldiers who did not obey. On March 10, 1857, the Sepoys rebelled. The Rebelion spread quickly throughout all of India. It took the East India Company over a year to regain control, and even after they regained that control, Britian took direct control of India. The British ruled India harder and there was more racism and rebelion after that.

Empires Control of a Colony

     Economic Imperialism 

        Each nation had their own was of controling a colony. There was just a colony, a protectorate, sphere of influence, of economic imperialism. In economic imperialism independent but less developed nations were controlled by private business intrests rather than governments. The governmet was not involved at all unless they felt the need to get involved in a matter, like what happened in India when the Sepoy Rebellion broke out. An example of economic imperialism is when the Dole Fruit Company controlled the pinapple trade in Hawaii. The people of Hawii were not allowed to trade with anyone other than the Dole Fruit Company, even if the other place gave them a better offer they couldn't take it.

Pros and Cons of Imperialism

3 Reasons Why It Helped :

1. Imperialism helped to advance transportation and it brought on new technologies.
2. It helped to improve sanitation in hospitals, food, and in cities and other public places.
3. It helped to advance in economic growth.

3 Reasons Why It Hurt :

1. Racism became big during this time. The "Whites" of the more advanced countries believed that they were better than thoes of a different race and social status.
2. The traditional cultures were destroyed or they were replaced. Most africans were expected to give up their culture and convert to European culture. This process was called assimulation.
3. Slavery began to spread even more because the Africans were being shipped to different platations in the south of America and the European countries.

Advancement in Science

Germ Cell Theory of Disease

    The Germ Cell Theory of Disease was an important breakthrough in the medical history of medicine. A French chemist by the name of Louis Pasture developed it in the mid-1800s while examining the fermentation process of alcohol. He had discoverd that it was caused by microscope organism which he called bacteria. While examining he also discovered that heat killed bacteria. He then developed the process of pasteurization to kill germs in liquids. It was then clear to Pasture and many others that bacteria caused disease. Joseph Lister, a British surgeon, brought the idea of germs and bacteria into the hospital. He believed that germs might explain why half of all surgical patients had died of infections. Lister ordered that his surgical wards be kept spotlessly clean in 1865, and he insisted that wounds be washed in antiseptics. The result of all of this was that 85% of his patients survived, and soon after hospitals began to follow the standards of cleaniness. Public officials then began to step up the cleaniness. All of these advances helped people live longer , healthier lives.

Edison Invention

   The Phonograph was the first great invention developed by Edison in Menlo Park. The machine had two needles: one for recording and one for playback. When you spoke into the mouthpiece, the sound vibrations of your voice would be indented onto the cylinder by the recording needle. This cylinder phonograph was the first machine that could record and reproduce sound created a sensation and brought Edison international fame. While he was working to improve the efficiency of a telegraph transmitter, Edison noted that the tape of the machine gave off a noise resembling spoken words when played at a high speed and this caused him to wonder if he could record a telephone message. So by attaching a needle with the diaphragm of a telephone receiver. Edison had reasoned that the needle could prick paper tape to record a message. His experiments led him to try a stylus which played back the short message he recorded, "Mary had a little lamb." August 12, 1877, is the date popularly given for Edison's completion of the model for the first phonograph. 


       Chapter 10 is on An Age of Democracy and Progress. Chapter 11 is on The Age of Imperialism. In chapters 10 & 11 they talk about many things. These chapters are on the changes that the Western nations made. It talks about the many inventions that came out of this time period. This was the age of inventions. Many reforms came out of this. The chapters also talk about the many changes happening in Africa and the other undeveloped countries. It was the time of Imperialism.

In these chapters I hope to learn about all the inventions that were made and who discovered them. I also hope to learn why Imperialism happened and the effect it had on every country and the people in it.