Sunday, March 6, 2011


Sepoy Rebellion

       The Britians concidered India to be the brighest "Jewel in the Crown." They believed that India was the most valuable of all the colonies. India became very economically valuable after Britian established a railroad network. India was benefited and oppressed by British colonization.
      Sepoys were Indian soliders that the British hired to keep the peace. The Indians believed that the British were trying to convert they to Christanity, they also resented the constant racism they got from the British. In 1857, the sepoys found out that the new cartridges the British had given them were sealed with pork and beef fat and required them to bite the seal off.The Hindus believed the cow to be the most sacred, and the Muslims did not eat meat, were all outraged. They refused to use the cartridges because they were against their beliefs. The British did not handel this very well, the began to jail thoes soldiers who did not obey. On March 10, 1857, the Sepoys rebelled. The Rebelion spread quickly throughout all of India. It took the East India Company over a year to regain control, and even after they regained that control, Britian took direct control of India. The British ruled India harder and there was more racism and rebelion after that.

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